I was really supposed to work on my
ALYoF goal in the beginning of January, but then DS2 got a new laptop and figured out he needed a laptop sleeve before returning to college. I relized it was necessary to make one for DS1, also. That way I suddenly had two laptop sleeves to make, and that in a fairly short time.
I used a design by
Elizabeth Hartman for a simple laptop sleeve, one that I tried out in my entry for the
Rush Hour blog hop in 2014. The formula makes it easy to fit the sleeve to any size laptop.
I used home decor weight fabric for the outside, to make the sleeve sturdy. I used cotton batting for protection.
The quilting is straight lines using the walking foot.
The laptop sleeve has a simple velcro closure. The laptop fit in the sleeve like a hand in a glove, just perfect.
The green sleeve has a solid dark grey cotton for lining, and the other one has a blue print fabric inside.
Both guys were happy for their New Year's gift, and the sleeves will be used every day to class. It is always a good feeling to make an item that will be cherished and used regularly!
Linked up to
Richard and Tanya's blog .