
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Celtic Solstice Part 5

All the 100 units for Part 5 are now completed, and I have several days to work on other projects. I had great fun working with this clue, and I don't think I have one unit the same as any other.

Here are a few selected units. I am especially pleased wth the blue lady cat from London in the upper left corner, my yellow shirt fabric with white elephants, the different orange Halloween fabric, and last but not least, my corn fabric. I have such a variety of different fabrics in these blocks, and I think they are lovely!

All my 100 units nicely stacked up to show the variety of fabrics. I am looking forward to the next step, and hoping that I will be able to finish most of the steps before I have to take the fabric with me and head for home after the vacation is over.

I have wondered how the layout will be in the end, we definitely need more neutrals before it's done. I have played a little around with the blocks from the 5 different steps, and I know that the end result will not be like this, but aren't these good looking assemblies?

The progress of the other participants can be seen on Bonnie's site.


EDIT: A little quilt math, numbers are for the small quilt of 75"x75":

Pieces in the quilt blocks this far: 2264
Number of 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" blocks left to make: 112

Let's see how Bonnie is going to solve this!



  1. Så flotte og spennende blokker du har sydd. Jeg er såvidt kommet igang med noen blokker av hver del. Skal bruke de først dagene av det nye året på å komme ajour. Godt nyttår til deg!

  2. De ble fine! Så artig med stoffer med historier og minner! Jeg er snart ferdig med del fire :)

  3. Denne utfordringen ser spennende ut, men jeg har enda ikke hoppet på den. Har noen prosjekt som brenner for å bli klare först. Veldig fint å bruke stoffer med "historie".

  4. There are so many ways these blocks can be put together. It is great to see everyone's ideas. A lot of nice quilts could be made just from the arrangements different people have suggested.

    Happy 2014!

  5. Kjempefine. Er du med på facebooksidne for norske mysteriesyere? Hvis ikke er du hjertelig velkommen inn.


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